
St Thomas’ Church is part of a group of 4 churches served by our Rector and a small team of clergy. Each church has one or more church wardens, together with a group of volunteers who work within the church and the wider community. We also have a youth congregation which meets on Thursday evenings in the Rectory.

We invite you to share in our worship, friendship and  activities. We believe that people of all ages can join in and benefit from the opportunities for Christian discipleship and fellowship made possible in this parish.

If you are not a church-goer, or if you haven't been to church for some time, come and try it for yourself, you may be pleasantly surprised. You will certainly be joining people who feel that church gives enrichment to their lives. We assure you of a warm welcome.


In July and August we will be basing our sermons upon the Bible Course – the titles for each week are under the readings. This a wonderful opportunity to get an overview of the bible and its relevance for us today – do come to as many of the services as you can – the continuity will be helpful




Veni Sancte Spiritus - Come Holy Spirit



Come, Holy Spirit;
send down from heaven’s height
your radiant light.

Come, lamp of every heart,
come, parent of the poor;
all gifts are yours.

Comforter beyond all comforting,
sweet unexpected guest,
sweetly refresh.

Rest in hard labour,
coolness in heavy heat,
hurt souls’ relief.

Refill the secret hearts
of your faithful,
O most blessed light.

Without your holy power
nothing can bear your light,

nothing is free from sin.

Wash all that is filthy,
water all that is parched,
heal what is hurt within.

Bend all that is rigid,
warm all that has frozen hard,
lead back the lost.

Give to your faithful ones,
who come in simple trust,
your sevenfold mystery.

Give virtue its reward,
give, in the end, salvation
and joy that has no end


Ordinations of Freddie Strong and Tracy Jones on 29 June 2024.

It is with great pleasure that many of Hanwood's parishioners, family members, friends and colleagues made the trip to Hereford Cathedral to take part in a service of Ordination. Some had a double blessing as they attended the morning service when Freddie became a Priest and also the afternoon service when Tracy was ordained as a Deacon. Tracy plans to be ordained as a priest this time next year after she has served a year as a curate.

The services are a joyful occasion and also included a challenging and thought provoking sermon. It was good to be reminded of the reason Jesus came to earth and the victory he won over death.

Freddie will continue his curacy in our Parish, do encourage him in the ways in which he serves us.

Tracy will continue as a Paramedic, combing this with her role as a deacon in our Parish. Please continue to pray for her, that she will find joy and purpose in her work.

Follow this link for a few photographs of the congregation as they greeted the new Deacons outside Hereford Cathedral.


Upcoming events

Sunday 28th July
11:00am -
Thursday 1st August
10:00am - 11:00am -
Sunday 4th August
11:00am -
Sunday 11th August
11:00am -

On the third Sunday at Hanwood at 4.30pm we've introduced a new service – Songs of Praise. This is an informal service in which people are asked to choose their favourite hymn and say why they have chosen it.
We also have reading(s) from the Bible, a short reflection and prayers. The service lasts about 45 minutes. Refreshments are provided after the service.

Do come and sing along with us. If you'd like to sing a particular hymn, please get in touch with our curate Freddie Strong who'd love to hear from you. revfreddiestrong@gmail.com

Verse of the Day

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,
Hebrews 12:1
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